Sunday, April 13, 2008

Stuff I Use: Caffeine

I'm not usually one to start my day with a coffee or espresso, but from time to time it can help. Now my mac, on the other hand, seems to get a bit tired and dim the screen after a few minutes of idle time. This is a feature created to save battery life in notebooks and while this aspect is useful at times, the feature becomes very annoying if I'm watching a movie or at work trying to follow a long document. I could go into the preferences and change the settings every time, but it would be simpler if there was, say, a button in my menu bar that I could just click and have my mac stay awake for longer than the 10 minutes it is set to stay awake.

Meet Caffeine, not for you, but for your mac. This bit of freeware by lighthead software is extremely useful for day to day video watching and for extended reading where moving the mouse around every 5 minutes isn't convenient. The most recent update has added a timer so that you can set it to keep your mac awake for anywhere from five minutes to two hours before returning to its normal settings.

If you have a notebook mac and find this useful, you can download your free copy here

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